There’s a bit of a viral tweet out there, most recently credited to one Davy Greenberg. It goes a little something like this: 

So what does that mean?

While it may sound a little arrogant, in my experience it’s entirely true. 

You don’t think twice about paying a few hundred dollars for a medical specialist appointment or to meet with a top lawyer when you really need one. Those are people who have spent years honing their craft, studying late nights, and making their brain into a fine-tuned machine. You know without even arguing about it that you’re paying for their wisdom, and their expertise is not something that you try and negotiate down to your budget.

Okay, how is doctoring equivalent to copywriting?

Luckily for me, I don’t (usually) operate on quite the same stress level as a doctor or lawyer – and luckily for you, my hourly rate is way below theirs! 

But the principle isn’t any different. 

While I might come up with a brilliant solution within 5 minutes of you explaining your problem, or speed-read and edit a document that’s taken hours to prepare, it’s because I’ve spent years training my brain to move in that way, and at that speed.

It’s how I provide value to every single client I work with.

How is that relevant to me?

Some people are good at figuring out what’s wrong in a car engine, or good at knowing how to put just the right amount of flour or milk in a recipe (spoiler alert: I’m not either of those people!!).

You might be excellent at being an engineer, or creating relationships with clients. You might have the technical expertise to price up a million-dollar tender without even blinking, but when it comes to talking about why your company is the best choice? Blank. 

That’s the beauty of truly partnering with your clients – their ‘years’ and your ‘years’ combine to create the perfect solution, sometimes only in minutes. 

Want to make some magic together?

It’s not brain surgery, but it is going to make a difference to the health of your business.

If you don’t need a copywriter or words extraordinaire just yet, here are a few other options…